Timeline to the Revolutionary War
In 1754, British Colonists fought against the French and Indians over land ownership. Disputes arose mainly in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The British wanted to expand westward into the French owned territory. The Colonists desired a better life for themselves and their family, hoping to gain that through land ownership and the natural resources available such as the fur trade.
1763-Treaty of Paris(End to the French and Indian War and Seven Years' War)
Most of the British felt American's benefited from the French and Indian War as they were able to have more land ownership and settle on the the land and live. This ended the Seven Years' War.
1765-Stamp Act
In order to raise revenue for the British and pay off the debt incurred in the French and Indian War, Britain enforced a tax on all types of paper documents that would be taxed. Newspapers, all printed materials, contracts and such would be produced in Britain and embossed with a special stamp to prove it was a legitimate document.